Making Life Better For Those Around Us Now And All Year Long

As we begin to close out another year and enter the holiday season, this quote is a good reminder of the way to live one’s life, not just now, today, because the calendar tells us to, but every day, all the time.

Yes, life can certainly be both hard and happy, and full of stuff in between. It takes a lot to care for ourselves, and our families. And maybe making life better for those around us also means taking care of friends, too. So to my opening point, you might say “yes, I agree I do that all the time. I’m there for my family and friends.”

If so, great! Keep it up, do it more often, do it for more family and more friends! And perhaps in 2023, as the world around us continues to adjust to new challenges and constant changes, make it a new year’s inspiration to take it a step further. Ask yourself, specifically and frequently, how you go about making life better for those around you.

  • Do you check in enough? Provide support that is both verbal and reassuring, as well as action-oriented (i.e. taking the time to make someone’s physical, material and/or mental world better?)
  • Do you do this only for family and friends or can you also extend to co-workers and strangers, too? Not only during the season of food, toy, and adopt-a-family programs but all throughout the year?

As someone who has dedicated a career to making life better for others, I, too, find it hard to take care of myself, family, friends, clients AND many of those who are struggling in the world around me. That’s a lot, and yet it has always been the story of my life.

Maybe this is the gift of growing-up a middle child, “the inside spread that connects the top and bottom breads to make the sandwich” as my Italian mother would frequently tell me. Nevertheless, filled with care, compassion and a desire to make life better for people, the holidays enable me to find ways to do that for strangers in a material way (such as through adopt-a-family programs). The rest of the year, my joy comes from being a Coach, as I have found a way to use my sandwich talents to feed those around me, sometimes just one person at a time.

I wish you the happiest of holidays and as you reflect on your blessings, I encourage you to seek out ways to make life better for others, however you can, now AND all throughout the new year.

Best wishes,


Victoria Desai

Loretta L. Stagnitto, CCUCG is the Creator of the “I Know” System™ for Personal and Team Leadership Development, a unique coaching methodology she developed after years of interpreting how good managers become great leaders and how productive teams evolve into high-performing ones. WELCOME TO LORETTA STAGNITTO LEADERSHIP ASSOCIATES