During nearly three decades in business, we’ve observed great leaders and struggling managers…vibrant, effective teams, and floundering frustrated ones. And we’ve found that one factor, one competency makes all the difference: Self-Awareness.
Great leaders know who they are—their strengths and weaknesses, their values, their style of leadership—and how they are perceived by their colleagues and staff. These competent leaders are open to feedback, they know what they need to do and change in order to grow and succeed. They know what they aspire to be, and how to get there.
Such individuals are the model for the methodology and framework we created for working with leaders and teams.
We call it The “I Know” System™ for Personal and Team Leadership Development. Clients who embark on this three-step approach understand how to lead in a manner that is authentic to who they are, and who they want to be.
Through Inspiration and Intention
Self-Awareness Inspires People to Be More and Do Better.
This is the reward for being open to assessment and receptive to feedback. Through a better understanding of themselves and the insights of others, our clients gain clarity about what they aspire to and what they need to do to get there. And they’re motivated to reach for higher levels of performance, re-engineer certain behaviors, and increase their influence through realistic, focused goal-setting and intentional, well-planned action.
We Have A Three-Step Approach to Accelerate What You Know
Successful application of The “I Know” System takes place most effectively when clients are at the apex of having the abilities needed to align with certain ‘accelerators’. In other words, knowing yourself at the deepest levels requires a willingness to step back, and understand what behaviors, beliefs, actions or perspectives limit the ability to say “I Know Who I Am” and “I Know What I Need to Do” and “I Know What I Want to Achieve”. That’s what is necessary for the process to be effective. When able leaders, individuals and teams have a positive (and courageous) receptivity to feedback and a willingness to make changes, the step-by-step approach is accelerated and so are the results.