Executive & Team Coaching (+ Lumina)
LSLA Clients Who Have Benefited from Knowing
Executive Coaching & Trusted Advisor
Peer Coaching
Case Study
When the Executive Administration team of 10x Genomics, Inc. went back to the office after working remotely for 1.5 years to support the senior leadership of this biotech company, they knew they had to quickly re-connect to work in a different way. Although they all reported into different leaders, they needed to collaborate differently than they had been before the pandemic. It was important to talk about what was working and what they could do better, and to welcome in new members who had never met the others in person.
They called on Loretta to facilitate a two-part Lumina Spark workshop that allowed them to do just that. After a morning of understanding their similarities and differences and how they show up to each other, they came back together a few days later to focus on their stress behaviors and ask each other for help.
The result was a grateful, more connected team that was able to sit around the table, provide each other thoughtful feedback, and talk about what they could each do to support each other and enhance their collaboration.

“Thank you so much!! Everyone without a doubt enjoyed the workshop!! I can’t thank you enough!! It was fabulous!!”
– Tammy Albright, Executive Assistant